Legacy Contract (Stand Alone Tales Book 6) Page 5
Horro’s hands were suddenly pressed on her belly. “I want to feel it.”
She grabbed him by his ear and pulled him to one side. “Always ask. If I slammed my fist into your groin, you wouldn’t take kindly to it.”
He blinked, blushed, and nodded. He stepped to the side, and she let him go.
Dekora looked at Khed. “Can I speak to you privately for a few minutes?”
Levell waved them on. “Go on. Khed doesn’t need to lift anyway.”
Dekora and Khed walked out of the gym and into the main living area.
Khed frowned. “Is something wrong?”
“Keep walking. I want relative privacy for this.”
They walked up the steps, and she nudged him onto the edge of her bed. She pulled off the robe and straddled his lap.
His eyes went wide. “What are you doing?”
“I think it is a little silly that we are having a child and haven’t even seen each other naked, so I have decided to remedy that.” She opened the closure on her bodysuit.
Khed put his hands over hers, and his gaze locked with hers. “Let me.”
She watched as he peeled the suit open and slid the shoulders down until her arms were trapped. He leaned forward and licked the tip of her left nipple before blowing gently on it. She squeaked and said, “I thought we were in a hurry.”
“That was your idea. I have until an alarm sounds. It could be five minutes, it could be five hours.” He grinned. “It could be all day.”
“I will have to make lunch.”
He laughed and flicked her right nipple with his tongue before exhaling a tight stream of air over it. “They will make their own meals.”
“But my contract.” Her voice was a little breathy.
“It is administered by me. I have other things for you to attend to.” He took the nipple between his teeth and gave it a gentle pressure.
She squeaked in surprise at the ripple of enjoyment that ran through her.
He soothed her skin with his tongue and spent the next ten minutes that felt like eternity tasting her from ears to ribs. Her skin felt hot, and she knew that she was wet.
His smile was more of a smirk. “That seems to be a good start.”
She was going to protest that he couldn’t just leave her, but he twisted and lay her down to remove the suits all the way.
She covered her eyes with her hands as he stared at her. When he parted her thighs, she tried to sit up, but he placed one hand on her chest and gently pressed down. She couldn’t watch while his fingers slowly parted her folds and he slid a finger into her. Dekora wanted to do a number of things, but when he slid a second finger into her, she shivered and felt her body grip him.
He lifted his hand from her chest, and he removed his shirt. Her gaze took him in, and she was stunned. He was made entirely of muscle wrapped in sculpted skin.
His erection was stiff and pearly drops were forming at the tip. He looked at her staring at him. “I know it is a little...”
She reached up a hand and grinned. “At least I can’t get pregnant.”
His fingers wove with hers, and he stepped toward her, lifting her to set her more fully on the bed.
He flipped her and drew her up on her knees, stroking her back. She closed her eyes as the bar of heat eased into her, and she crumpled the sheets in her fists as she pushed back against him. He slid into her so slowly that she was twisting her hips in an effort to get him inside her faster.
He moved one hand to her clit and stroked her slowly while he continued to ease into her. When his thighs were pressed against hers, she was coated in sweat and gasping, on the edge of cumming.
Deep inside her, he circled her clit with his fingers, and he kissed the back of her neck until she moaned as he carefully and deliberately sent her over the edge.
Her body shook, and she could feel her body clasping him, all of him. The deep pulses were still running through her when he started to move.
If Dekora’s body could have kept him, she would have. He was so precise, so careful, and when his own needs took over with strong and deliberate thrusts, she just braced herself.
The slapping of his thighs on hers was sharp. Her grunts and his were interspersed with her soft whimpers. He sped up, and her body tried to clasp and hold him, but she was left jolted and quivering as he thrust into her and then groaned as he bucked against her.
She slowly pressed her head into the bedding. He stroked his hand over her spine before kissing the nape of her neck and then pressing his chest to her back and wrapping his arms around her in a hug.
She tried to keep their weight up on her wobbling arms, but she started to crumple. Khed sat back and lifted her onto his lap. The feeling of suddenly having nothing under her caused a bit of a panic issue.
Khed lifted her off him and turned her to face him. His eyes were glowing with intensity.
She had briefly mourned the loss of the heat inside her, but he held her with one hand and slid back inside her. She was sitting in his lap when he kissed her; she stopped thinking.
His hands roamed over her back, his thumbs rubbed her nipples, and his kiss delved deep. She felt a flex inside her, and she shivered.
He lifted his head. “Is everything okay?”
She grabbed his head and kissed him again. She broke the kiss and whispered, “Fine. Just fine.” Her breathy voice was low to her ears, but he seemed to appreciate it.
He cupped her hips and raised and lowered her, kissing her as they moved together. When she tensed up and shivered violently, he held her tight, and she felt him flex and throb inside her again. His eyes closed, and then, he opened them to kiss her again.
She leaned into the kiss as the slow, random pulses of her body became further and further apart.
She leaned back in his arms. She smiled. “Well, that qualifies you to be a father.”
He stroked her cheek. “Only with you. It has never worked with anyone else.”
She smiled. “I can draw you a diagram as to why.”
He sighed. “I suppose that is how you flirt.”
Dekora focused on flexing around him. “That is how I flirt. I am not very good at coy banter.”
Khed laughed. He leaned his forehead against hers. “Feel free to flirt any time day or night.”
He leaned back. “How is the baby?”
She put her hand over her belly and focused. “All is well.”
He put his hand to the side of hers and the flutter happened again. He grinned. “I felt that.”
She looked at his delight, and she had to ask, “Where will the child go once it’s born?”
He kept his hand on her, searching for another flutter. “They have a creche where the other children are being raised. This child will go there.”
She frowned. “Will you visit it?”
He seemed surprised. “Of course. It is my child.”
She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Of course. I don’t know why I am worried about it.”
“It is yours; you are the mother.”
She shook her head. “Dr. Ock is very clear. I am the surrogate. Damn, this is complicated.”
He squeezed her. “We will figure it out.”
She smiled at his inclusion. “We?”
He kissed her. “We. Feel free to come to my quarters anytime, even if I am not at the base. I like the way you smell.” He buried his nose near her ear and inhaled.
“I have to shower and then work on lunch.”
He chuckled. “I will help.”
“With what? The shower or lunch?”
She grinned. “Okay, but I am going to be a harsh mistress.”
He smirked. “In the shower or for lunch prep?”
“Both.” She grinned.
Chapter Seven
A routine was struck. Khed came to get her before dawn; they went and did the scan, sending it along to Dr. Kelway.
Today, Dr. Kelway’s file had a comment on it. “
The requests for alteration in your wardrobe have been granted. As long as you stick to the requirements, the style and opacity of the fabric is your own.”
The seal of the council was affixed to the file, and Dekora yelped in triumph.
There was a secondary note. “Based on the last week of scans, the child is growing at six times the normal rate. You have four weeks of gestation left.”
Dekora blinked. “Right. That isn’t much time.”
Khed picked up her hand and kissed the back of it. “Come on, let’s get you your comfortable clothing.”
She grinned, and he helped her off the scanning bed. They walked to the warehouse area, and she ordered a few of the pregnancy designs that she had gotten sent from Knothean.
The extruder created her clothing, and she stripped and changed with Khed watching with an amused smile. The loose trousers had a drawstring, the laced bodice gave her breasts support, and the long panels that hung down were easy enough to part if anyone wanted to confirm that her belly was real, but they closed on their own when she was standing still.
“It looks pretty. I like the colours.” Khed wrapped his arms around her and lifted her to spin her in his arms. “My colours.”
She wrinkled her nose. “If I am ever seen in public, it should be enough of a hint.”
He grinned. “There is a gala coming up that I am supposed to be at. They are opening a museum or a gallery or something. Would you come with me?”
Dekora wrinkled her nose. “Can you get the written authorization to have me there?”
He smiled slowly. “I already have it.”
She leaned up and kissed him slowly. “Thanks. As fun as it is here, I do want to get out and about before I have trouble navigating my way into my shoes.”
In a week, she had put on about half an inch. Her belly was definitely curving due to the occupant. Occupant was her favourite word. The gender of the child was on file, but she wasn’t eager to find out. She wouldn’t get to buy it a tiny wardrobe, or itty-bitty shoes, but it would be healthy and cared for, and that was what mattered.
“What’s wrong?” Khed held her close. “The shadow crossed your face again.”
“I suppose that I have never considered having a child and then not being there.”
He nodded. “I am working on it.”
“I am working on getting you a visa to remain here and take care of our child.”
“My hero.” She kissed him.
“Definitely. Now, you need to order something appropriate.”
She nodded. “I will. Now, shoo. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.” She flicked him a glance. “You are going to be in uniform?”
He frowned. “No, formal wear in the same colours. They are lined with armored panels. Why?”
“Just wanted to make sure that we match. Wouldn’t want to clash.” She flapped her hand at him and then dashed to the fabricator and ordered the outfit that she had chosen from Knothean formal wear. Based on what she had seen on Gryphal, it was pretty risqué, but it would leave no one in doubt that she was actually pregnant.
She took the folded fabric once it was ready and grabbed the spare outfit that she had made, and then, she went to work on breakfast. Well, she tried. Aber and Khed were already doing all the chopping and frying for her.
“I thought I was supposed to be cooking.”
Aber grinned and glanced at her, nodding approval over her outfit. “Looks good.”
“Thanks. It feels better.”
Aber asked Khed, “So, what was the result?”
Khed raised his brows and breathed deep. “Four weeks at current rate of development.”
Dekora smiled. “Ah, but what a fun few weeks. Okay, I am heading up to drop this stuff off in my room. I will be back down shortly.”
Khed smiled. “Take your time. We are good.”
She nodded and headed up the stairs, her slippers making no noise on the steps.
She put the new outfit on top of her suit and placed the daily wear in her closet.
By the time she returned the kitchen, the guys were on every surface, cooking, prepping. Horro was setting the table in bursts of speed. Dekora was left standing and saying, “What do you want me to do?”
Khed came up behind her, picked her up, and set her on one of the chairs at the counter. “Sit. It’s your birthday, after all.”
Dekora blinked. “It is?”
Levell brought in a bowl of fruit glazed with honey. “It is.”
“Huh. It has been a busy year.” She smiled. “It has certainly been an interesting ten days.”
Yeleki chuckled. “Has it only been ten days? I feel like you have been here forever, mehsis.”
She blushed as he used the ancient Gryphal word for little sister. Horro called her ayesis or big sister.
They filled her plate, and she started eating while they finished setting the table. They laughed a lot more easily now. She stayed up with them to talk about their missions, their families, and after they got back from their assignments.
It had happened so quickly. One moment she was waiting for Khed in her room, and the next she was down in the common room, hugging Horro because he hadn’t been able to save the child he pulled from a collapsed building.
They started sharing images of their legacies, and Aber was proud that only one of his children had inherited his analytical skills. The other two were getting ready to go to college.
Yeleki showed her his son. He had only had the one before an accident had made it unlikely that he could continue contributions. They had repaired him, but the reproductive organs were tricky things.
Levell was going to need a second try. His daughter was blissfully normal.
Horro already had his samples on file, so they would have to wait and see when it was suitable for a legacy to be created for him.
The guys were a solid team. It was an honour to be with them.
She ate her berries and cream happily. She was sipping at the herbal tea that Dr. Kelway had ordered, and she asked Khed, “So, when is that event?”
He smiled. “Tonight. We are heading to the city after lunch.”
Dekora stared at him. “Tonight?”
“Yes. Did you have other plans?” He smirked.
“Um, what if you get a call?”
“I will leave you with the nearest security detachment, who will deliver you to the hospital, where I will retrieve you as soon as I am able.”
The guys smiled. Aber said, “Or one of us will come to get you.”
They all agreed.
She nodded. “Okay, well, glad I made the outfit.”
Khed chuckled.
He was laughing more easily. One week of being lovers and he was in a much better mood.
She finished her breakfast, and her dishes were whisked away. “Can I go out for a walk?”
Horro offered his arm. “Allow me.”
Dekora nodded and got up, taking his arm to leave the interior of the base, and when Horro opened the door, she inhaled deeply.
“Do you miss the outdoors?”
“Yes. I grew up in an area with farms and homes and children. This is silence and metal and recirculated air.” She smiled and lifted her chin. “I miss daylight.”
They walked down a path that led to the sea. The waves pounded relentlessly, and Dekora sighed. “As much as I hate the confinement, I will miss this place.”
“Well, ayesis, you could stay.”
She smiled. “You have no idea how many documents I had to fill out just to be able to land and walk around here. More documents to bring Sephal. Documents identifying all my possessions, all communications, everything about my life, my history. It all had to be itemized and quantified. The moment that I have this child, my time as carrier is done. If Sephal is ready to leave, we have to go. From inside Gryphal, I have no means to appeal.”
“So, if you were elsewhere, you would have a chance to appeal?”
“The nearest station is th
ree weeks away. I would have to go there, pay for my upkeep for a few months and wait for Gryphal to look at my case. Then, there is no hint that it would be a favourable verdict. I could be out there with no chance of having a place to be.”
He exhaled. “That sucks.”
“It definitely does.”
“What options for citizenship do you have?” Horro helped her up the rocks and headed through the copse of flowering trees.
“The usual. Application for colonization, naturalization once I am here.” She shrugged.
She snorted. “I have never considered marriage. I am always a little too much for the men I am around. Too tall, too strong, too opinionated, too confident. It makes some of them uneasy.”
Horro smiled at her. “If you would like to be married, just say the word. One of us will snatch you up in a heartbeat.”
“I would never ask that of you. It wouldn’t be fair. You might want to get married at some time in the future.”
He shrugged. “No citizen is allowed to wed us. It is considered a breach of public interest. Families might benefit or have undue influence.”
She widened her eyes. “So you guys can’t...”
“We have all donated our semen, and after that, we were neutralized in that manner.”
“But, Khed doesn’t have a problem with sex.”
Horro cackled. “We don’t have a problem having sex; we just can’t get anyone pregnant.”
“Oh. Oops. Apologies. Oh, so Khed can’t have another child?”
Khed’s voice rumbled from the left. “Khed can. His genes are too desirable to risk damaging semen production.”
Horro disappeared and left her blushing.
Khed sauntered up to her and wrapped his arms around her, resting his hands on her backside. “Discussing my fertility with Horro?”
She grinned. “Oh, it’s a Knothean tradition. Talking about testicular contents is traditional on one’s birthday.”
“Knotheans are weird.” He kissed her slowly. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him in return.
“Yes, we are.” She whispered it against his lips and continued the slow and arousing kiss.
He finally lifted his head. “Come on, you are missing your workout.”