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  His brows snapped together. “I don’t know.”

  “We have nine hours to figure it out. So, I am going to get my file, and we need to pinpoint all of the moments that our paths could have crossed but didn’t.”

  As she got up to head to her quarters for her tablet, he mentioned, “You are really good at this kind of thing.”

  She smiled. “You always have to have a plan with several exit options. Since our exits are restricted, we need to go in with a definite plan and stick to it.”

  “What if circumstances change?”

  She walked away and called out, “I will meet you at the shuttle and we will reassess our options.”

  Yna got her tablet and shifted her clothing into the semi-formal arrangement. She twirled twice while walking down the hall and returned to her partner for this perilous mission. Lives were at stake, even if it wasn’t in the way that she had become used to.

  Weddings were always serious business, and this one was life and death.

  Chapter Four

  Ahlgos was looking very serious and formal in his Remuyan clothing. She had the Masuo take on complimentary colours to match him, and he smiled slightly at the careful touch.

  Like many species, once the Remuyan had decided on a mate, they matched them when it was possible. First meetings with family definitely counted as an event worth matching for.

  “Thank you again for this.” Ahlgos extended his hand to her with the back of his wrist up as they waited for the quarantine sweep to clear them for disembarkation.

  “I am sure that I will think of a way to make you pay.” She settled her hand on the back of his wrist as the lights flicked the completion of the quarantine cycle and the rear hatch of the shuttle lowered a ramp to the tarmac of their registered landing space.

  They walked slowly out of the shuttle, and she was able to feel the weight of local gravity on her limbs. It was a little less than Resicor, but a bit more than Balen.

  Yna blinked. “They are all here.”

  He murmured. “Keep smiling. I wasn’t expecting them either.”

  She gripped his wrist tightly as they walked slowly toward his family. His parents were wearing the semi-formal wrap clothing that Yna was wearing.

  When they were ten feet apart, Ahlgos paused and bowed. “Mother, Father, this is my fiancée, Specialist Yna of Citadel Balen.”

  Ahlgos’s mother looked Yna in the face and read her insignia.

  Yna removed her hand from the Guardsman’s, and she bowed to her elder. Hands immediately gripped her shoulders, and she was jerked upright.

  “Welcome, daughter. Our home is your home.”

  “Thank you. It is nice to finally meet you.” She smiled and remembered to put warmth of feeling into her eyes.

  “We have heard almost nothing of you. Please, come with me and tell me everything about you.”

  Ahlgos’s mother linked her arm with Yna’s and hauled her away from the bemused family.

  “Um... madam, shouldn’t I meet the others?”

  The older woman waved that off. “I already know them and sitting through formal introductions bore me. I am Miett, by the way.”

  “Pleased to meet you.”

  “Check. Are they following?”

  Yna glanced back and confirmed, “Yes, they look amused and confused.”

  “Excellent. You have to keep them on their toes.”

  Yna didn’t have a chance to respond as she was hauled to customs, and Miett glared at the officers until they rushed Yna through.

  Yna wasn’t the only pale face, but everyone else in the building had a hint of green to their complexions. The moment that her credentials were confirmed, they let her through. She always felt alien when she travelled, but it seemed that Remuyan was more insular than most worlds.

  “So, Miett, why are we escaping from the others?”

  Miett pulled her in close as they approached a skimmer. “I just wanted to know why my future daughter-in-law was an intergalactic thief of extreme renown.”

  Yna brushed her shock aside. “Because baking never really appealed to me.”

  Miett grinned and began laughing. “I believe that we are going to get along very well indeed.”

  * * * *

  Ahlgos looked to his father. “Where did she just take Yna?”

  Agruen shrugged. “Not a clue. She looks like a nice girl.”

  His brother Huknos clapped him on the shoulder. “Congratulations. You managed to find love without commuting.”

  Nialloa sidled up and laced her arm with Huknos’s. “She looks presentable enough for an alien. Maybe we should see if she is willing to join the procession.”

  Huknos cleared his throat. “She is here as my brother’s fiancée, not your accessory.”

  Nialloa pouted. “But she is so delightfully coloured. She would fit in and contrast all at the same time.”

  Likiada sighed and stepped around the happy couple, coming up to Ahlgos for a hug. “I am so glad that you made it.”

  “I would never have missed it.”

  He held her for a moment and felt the relief in every plane of her body. “How is Groven?”

  She blushed and stepped back. “He is doing well. His family will be in town for the wedding.”

  “Good. Glad to hear it.”

  “And I suppose I am last to greet our hero.” Srevesh stepped up and grabbed Ahlgos’s hand.

  Seeing his youngest brother completed his family greeting. He was about to speak when his father piped up.

  “They appear to be getting away. We should probably get going before your mother takes the skimmer home.”

  Ahlgos muttered, “Yna still has to clear immigration.”

  His father laughed, “Have you met your mother? They wouldn’t dare detain anyone in her company.”

  The entire group picked up the pace and cleared security just in time to see the pair stepping into the skimmer.

  Srevesh stretched his hand out and snagged the vehicle in a column of air while the rest of them moved at a rapid rate to get into the family transport for the flight back to the city. The wedding events were going to take up the rest of the day, but Ahlgos was encouraged. It seemed that his mother enjoyed Yna, and while the mix of the two was a little peculiar, the worry over his mother rejecting her had passed. Now, his worry was shifting to what they were talking about with their heads pressed together.

  * * * *

  “How did you know?” Yna was casual when she spoke.

  “My sons are not the only ones in law enforcement. When Ahlgos mentioned your name, I looked into you. It was some interesting reading.”

  “I am glad I could be entertaining.”

  “Your thefts are untraceable. The moment that folks are parted from their money, it disappears, no matter the currency. No one can trace it, and entire departments have tried.”

  “Ah, that would be my talent.”



  Miett chuckled. “That is a conversation worth having another time. I think they are boring holes in our backs with their eyes.”

  Yna didn’t even look. “They are just relieved that you waited until they arrived.”

  “I didn’t wait. My son Srevesh was holding the skimmer in a column of air.”

  “Ah. That explains the stationary turbulence.”

  “You should go to Ahlgos now. Nialloa will be watching for it.”

  Yna nodded and left Miett piloting the skimmer across the landscape, moving carefully to settle in next to Ahlgos. “Your mother is very curious.”

  “She is that.”

  “She also does her homework.”

  “Yes, she does.”

  “Peacekeeper?” She nudged him with her elbow.

  “Married to one.”

  “Ah. You didn’t mention that.”

  “Didn’t I? I guess we still have secrets.” He chuckled and put his arm around her shoulders.

  She leaned into him and sighed, “You do
n’t know the half of it.”

  The bride was staring at her, but Yna tried to ignore it. If the woman had something to say, she could say it directly. Miett was setting a bad example already, and Yna was having a really good time.

  Nialloa looked at Yna at dinner. “I suppose it is too late to get you a gown for the procession.”

  Yna shrugged. “Probably.”

  She hissed softly between her teeth, her rich green skin flawless and gleaming, the rank markers glowing against the green.

  The elaborate silver twists and turns definitely gave her the airs of nobility, but her exact position had still not been declared.

  “I want you in the procession.”

  Yna set her cup of tea down. “I do not wish to be in a procession.”

  The table fell silent.

  “You don’t understand. I outrank you. You must give in to my request.”

  “There was no request; there was a statement of intent. A request would have had a questioning intonation at the end of it.” She lifted her teacup to her lips.

  Nialloa sat and stared. “That isn’t how things work here. My people have command of all citizens.”

  “I am terribly sorry to inform you that I am not a citizen. I am not even your species. I certainly don’t want to be put on parade as an exotic.”

  The bride stared as if she could will Yna to give in. “What would it take to make you do it?”

  “A torturer or a polite request. I have faced many situations I would rather not be in, and to volunteer for that sort of thing is something I have outgrown.”

  Silence ticked between them. “Sister Yna, would you please join my wedding procession tomorrow at dawn? I am sure I can find you a gown.”

  “If you can just show me the design, I can manage something on my own.”

  “No, I insist on providing you with something. I wish for everyone to match, you see.”

  “I would be happy to take part in your procession.” Yna smiled and inclined her head.

  The family gathered around the table exhaled as one and conversation began again.

  Yna smiled at the bride. “You get the feeling that things were a little tense?”

  Nialloa blinked and then gave a slow smile. “You have an interesting manner about you.”

  “Thank you. Is the gown opaque?”

  Nialloa frowned. “Mostly, why?”

  “I have some scarring that might not be appropriate for all audiences.”

  The bride paused. “Scars? How did you get scars?”

  “Occupational hazard.” She quirked her lips. “I do work for the Citadel, after all.”

  “Your marks say that you are a daughter of the Citadel.”

  Yna wrinkled her nose. “I am. Adopted daughter of the Avatar of Balen. It was a lovely moment, and it gave me a home again.”

  “A world adopted you?”

  “Me and a handful of others. We lost our world in a storm of paranoia and evil, so we were given a new one, complete with full citizenship.”

  Nialloa blinked. “How does one lose a world?”

  Yna grinned. “It is a conversation for another day. So, where are you planning on living after the wedding? I am not up on current traditions.”

  The deflection worked. For the next two hours, while the family moved around them, Yna kept the bossy bride busy with questions about all the details.

  The more she asked, the more she understood that the aggression masked insecurity. Once that was uncovered, it was a lot easier to deal with Nialloa.

  Huknos came up to his fiancée and kissed her on the top of her head. “Come on, love. Time to get you back to your family for one more night.”

  Nialloa smiled and looked up at him. “Just one more night.”

  Their kiss was sweet, but there was barely leashed heat within it.

  Nialloa sighed when he leaned back. “My guards are outside?”

  “They are. One last night as an Atathan, and then, you turn into an Ikato.”

  “I can hardly wait.”

  Yna watched the interchange, and she kept a politely blank expression on her face. It surprised her when Nialloa got up and came to her, offering her a hug.

  “I will see you at dawn, sister.”

  Yna smiled and rose for the hug. “Not a sister yet.”

  “You and Ahlgos glow when you are together. It won’t be long.”

  Huknos smiled. “She is always right when it comes to seeing couples. She would have been a matchmaker if she wasn’t a member of the royal family.”

  Nialloa grinned and leaned back. “You and Ahlgos managed to find each other, and the moment that you did, your fates would constantly pull you together. It isn’t a common experience. Treasure it.”

  She patted Yna on the cheek and joined her fiancé for a leisurely stroll out of the great room, leaving Yna to wonder at the transformation from strident bully to caring sister-in-law-to-be.

  Srevesh came in from the deck. “You are welcome to join us, sister.”

  She turned toward him and smiled. “How much time do I have before I have to do whatever it is Nialloa wants?”

  “Sixteen hours.”

  “Good. Time for more family fun.” She rubbed her hands together and smiled at Srevesh.

  He chuckled. “Where did Ahlgos find you?”

  “It is a long and sordid story, some of which is still classified. Suffice to say that work has brought us close a number of times, and finally, we connected.”

  Srevesh waved his hand toward the open doors leading to the wide back deck. “Please, tell me more. With all of my siblings on their way to partnerships, I am definitely interested in any tips you can offer.”

  “All I can offer is to go with your gut. If they feel right and are available and giving signs of interest, they probably are the one for you.”

  He chuckled. “I am trying to keep myself open in case I miss out on the one.”

  “Check with Nialloa. She can tell you if you have sparks or just flickers.”

  He scowled. “She does not speak to me.”

  “Soon, she will be your sister. She will talk once the stress of her previous family is off her shoulders.”

  “She will still be a royal.”

  “She will be living with Huknos; that will give you a lot of time to verify any ladies that you bring to family events.”

  “What if my match is in the stars?” He gave her a sober look.

  “Then, I suppose you will just have to search for her.” She patted his shoulder and left him to go and stand near Ahlgos.

  The first few hours with his family were far more eventful than she had anticipated.

  Chapter Five

  “Are you having fun?” Ahlgos smiled.

  Yna sighed. “This is complicated.”

  “Family usually is.”

  “I have a vague memory of that.” She smiled.

  He shifted closer to her, and with his family watching, she rested her head on his shoulder. It took her a bit of fidgeting, but she eventually got comfortable as they looked out over vineyards and orchards.

  Likiada came up to her after a few minutes. “Just stick with me during the procession, you will be fine.”

  “You are going to be there?”

  “As the sister of the groom, I have to be. I can hardly wait until my brothers are married and I can start a family.” There was an intense look offered to Yna.

  “I am sure it will be sooner rather than later.” It was all Yna could offer.

  Ahlgos wrapped an arm around her and squeezed. “Not soon enough.”

  Miett came toward their small group and smiled. “There isn’t enough time tonight for a tour of the grounds, but Ahlgos planted all of those vines when he was just a child. He wanted his father to resign from peacekeeping to become a vintner, and Ikato wine is consumed all over Remuyan now.”

  Yna didn’t have time to comment.

  “Well, you have to get up early to have your hair done with the others. Since she isn’t
used to our time zones, it is best if Yna gets some rest.”

  She straightened, her skin still warm from contact with Ahlgos. “That is sensible.”

  “Likiada, please show our guest to her room.”

  Yna reluctantly moved away from Ahlgos and inclined her head. “I will see you in the morning.”

  He gripped her by the arms, and to her surprise, he kissed her in front of his family. When he pulled back, he smiled, “Sweet dreams, Yna.”

  Likiada sighed. “Right. Come on, Yna, before things get a little less suitable for public consumption.”

  Yna felt her blush grow as she met the knowing and amused gazes of Ahlgos’s family.

  “Likiada, you just need to point the way, and I will be fine.”

  “Call me Li, the whole family does, and as for finding your way around here, I really doubt it. The house is built—”

  “On a spiral with offshoots of larger rooms in the centre and a multitude of smaller rooms on the outside walls. Based on my social standing, I am somewhere in the middle.”

  “How did you know that?”

  “Everybody has their talents, mine is related to special awareness, plus I saw a schematic while I was on the way here.”

  Li chuckled and then redirected the conversation. “You are here because of me.”


  She sighed. “I can hold the embryo dormant for another seven months. It isn’t that much of a rush.”

  “You can withhold development?”

  “For up to three years. I have been in holding since Ahlgos came home and announced his broken betrothal. The high family wasn’t happy, nor was his fiancée, but she got over it.”

  Yna blinked. “It was an arranged marriage?”

  “Demanded is more like it, but he put his foot down and refused to go through with it, which sent a ripple through the nobility and separated me from Groven for a time. We resumed our courtship after Huknos’s wedding was announced, and that is when I told my family what was going on. Ahlgos set out in search of you immediately. You were the only one he wanted.”


  “Didn’t you know? Since he first met you, he has been fixated. I didn’t know your name until now, but I have seen the truth of his attachment.”


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