CaptiveoftheStars Read online

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  The truth was laid out in ink and parchment. Her father had indeed given her to Lord Kalowell without telling her. The only thing he had gotten in exchange was the promise that his people would be treated well and absorbed into the Kalowell keep.

  "That's…not what I was told."

  "I am aware of that. General Alsco has done his penance for telling your people you were bought and paid for."

  Nasha ran her fingers through her hair before the chain brought her up short. "So, how do we proceed? My star is not coming out of hiding any time soon."

  He smiled. "Are you up for trying to convince her to come out and fulfill her promise?"

  Nasha bit her lip. "What would that entail?"

  He was in front of her in an instant, lifting her so that her face was on a level with his own. "I think we should just improvise."

  She blinked as he brought his face closer and his eyes spiralled into gold pools rimmed with blue. The kiss was scorching and she wove her fingers through his hair, pulling him tightly to her as she hung from his hands.

  When his tongue flicked into her mouth, she mimicked him, eliciting a groan. He shook under her touch the same way she burned at his and when he lowered her slowly down his frame, she groaned at the press of muscles and the bar of heat beneath his trousers.

  "I don't think this is the right place for this." He was breathing heavily and he pressed his forehead against hers

  She was burning from her core outward. "Where is better?"

  It was all he needed. With a grin, he lifted her into his arms and strode out of the library, the door automatically swinging shut behind them.

  Her ladies looked at her in surprise and she merely winked and waved at them as her captor hauled her off.

  She was legally his, destined to be his. How could she fight it when she didn't want to fight it?

  A guard outside the door opened his bedchamber. It was closed the moment that they passed the threshold.

  "I think my ladies are going to be confused." She bounced as he placed her on the bed.

  "I don't care." He unravelled her shoulder straps and unsnapped the clasps that held her gown in place.

  "This is going to get a little awkward with these chains in place." She held up the silver strand and to her surprise, he nodded.

  "You are correct. Just a moment." He lifted her from the open wrap of her gown and settled her against the headboard. Before she knew what he was up to, a silk strap appeared from beneath the bed and was wrapped around one wrist. He did the same to the other wrist and she was frowning.

  "I thought the chains were sufficient."

  He grinned and reached into his shirt, pulling out a chain with a small key on it. He removed the chain and then unclasped the small locks on the cuffs.

  Her wrists were free of the leather for the first time in a week and she enjoyed the feel of the air on them. Her legs were simply unlocked with the cuffs removed. No additional stricture was added.

  Her mouth went dry as she watched him peel off his shirt and sit to remove his boots. She stopped breathing entirely when his hands went to the waistband of his trousers.

  Chapter Eight

  As the fabric parted to expose his ridged abdomen, Nasha stopped thinking. Her mind went blank as his cock sprang free of the fabric and her mouth watered as a clear, pearly drop formed on the thick and flared head.

  "Let's see if we can't bring Ithena out into the open." He knelt on the bed and parted her thighs.

  She knew that her cream would be wetting her folds by now. The cool waft of air on her sensitive flesh chilled her.

  Instead of positioning himself between her thighs, he lay on his stomach and lifted one ankle to his lips. The skin where the leather had been was extremely sensitive. His tongue traced intricate patterns on her flesh.

  To her surprise, her hips started to shift and curls of heat spiralled from that light contact.

  He switched to the other leg and it jerked as he treated it to the same loving touch. She wanted to caress the thick waves of his hair, but her restrained arms kept her from it. She snarled in frustration at the confinement, but as she arched at the soft laving of his tongue, she felt a flicker of awareness deep within.

  Ithena was coming out slowly, but she was rising from the dark recess of Nasha's mind.

  Thorn was making his way up her leg, her inner thigh twitched and she saw him inhale deeply.

  She blushed. Her heat had restarted, but it was in early days yet. She would not reach full pheromone intensity for days.

  He used his mouth to trail up her body, skipping over the weeping folds that were begging for him. He lapped at her belly, flicking his tongue into her navel.

  She yelped and shivered.

  She felt her breasts tighten and swell slightly as he approached, her nipples hard beads of flesh aching for that devilish mouth of his.

  His tongue under her breast working toward the peak of one then the other had her arching for firmer contact. A high whine was coming from her throat and when he lapped and then gnawed at her neck, her whole body jerked in a spasm of desperation.

  Another soft bite elicited the same response and she was vibrating with tension when he sat back on his knees to view all of her. The approval was given as his cock bucked with eagerness.

  With Eshkar riding him, Thorn positioned himself between her thighs and pressed the blunt head of his erection into her. He leaned forward and held himself over her, their only point of connection the light pressure between her thighs.

  He formed a bridge of flesh and muscle over her, leaning in to capture her panting mouth in a kiss that was more sweet than savage. The sensation of pressure in her channel was new to her. She spread her legs as wide as she could in invitation.

  The light kiss turned into a more deliberate advance as he leaned back and rocked forward slowly. The deeper he got, the tighter the spiral of tension was wound within her. He was moving faster now and the kiss was getting wilder, his tongue flicking at hers and his teeth coming into play.

  The sensations she was getting from two different ends of her body were sending conflicting signals. Her mouth and neck wanted the slow caresses, but her channel wanted everything he could give her.

  As soon as he was fully seated and engaging in a full thrust from almost withdrawing until he was buried in her to the hilt.

  "Harder. I want it harder." Her whisper caused a jolt of power to run between them. She kept up the litany of, "Harder," while he withdrew and then thrust forward with a vengeance.

  He started a flurry of pounding strokes that caressed every inch of her within. She loved the stretched feeling and never wanted it to stop.

  His hips rocked back and forth in a rolling tide of sensation. Her body received each movement greedily until her orgasm began to tiptoe in, bringing Ithena with it.

  Each time he slammed against her, Ithena came closer and Nasha bit her lip to hold back her release until the goddess would be visible in her eyes.

  Sweat coated them and she wrapped her thighs around his back, opening to him completely. She closed her eyes and focused on the sensations, ignoring Thorn when he whispered, "Open your eyes."

  She refused and his response was a bite to the side of her neck. Her lids flew open and she stared into Eshkar's eyes with Ithena prominent in hers. Nasha's orgasm ripped through her and she twisted against her restraints as her body arched and her inner palpitations caressed and stroked at Thorn.

  He grunted and thrust into her one final time before he shook in reaction to his own release. His golden eyes closed and he rested on his elbows, still inside her.

  Ithena came to the surface. "I know I should have come out earlier, but everything went wrong."

  Eshkar looked back at her. "I have you now, my love. Together we shall create a child who can harmonize Xaros. It is not a thing that I undertake lightly. It is something we need to do."

  "I have never been a mother before."

  "Your avatar will do most of the work, I
promise. And mine will be an excellent father. It is how I know that the time is right. He is the right man, so the right woman had to be out there somewhere." Eshkar was soothing his mate and their bodies were still joined.

  Nasha was watching Thorn's face from the back of her own mind.

  Eshkar started to slide free of her before rocking back inside.

  The energy that surged through Ithena came from Eshkar. He was giving of himself to bond them together.

  Ithena, let him try. I would not mind a family and this is as good a place to start as ever.

  The star touched Nasha's consciousness gently. You are not mad at me?

  I am not pleased, but I will get used to it, as will you. Change is good. Change brings people together and leads them into an unknown future side by side.

  I am sorry. Those lives were lost and it was all for my own pride.

  Then honour them by creating a better life for those of our lands who survive. Open the gap and let them come to Kalowell.

  Ithena moved Nasha's body with Eshkar's thrusts. The moment that he reached between them to caress her clit, she gasped and the burst of power left her body to streak across the land and move the rock that barricaded her people.

  Thorn's body was slumped on Nasha's, a heavy weight that made it awkward to breathe but comforting nonetheless.

  Sweat coated them and she whimpered in frustration at her immobility.

  Without looking up, he reached for her wrist and unravelled one knot and then the other. For the first time in a week, she was able to stretch her arms fully to either side and while her shoulders were sore, it felt good.

  "She has agreed to what Eshkar wishes. If it is possible, we will produce a child that carries them both within him." Nasha ran her fingers through his damp hair.

  He groaned and pressed a kiss to her shoulder before raising his head. "Or her. It could very well be a her."

  She smiled. "A woman ruling Xaros? That would be a change indeed."

  He lifted from her and slid out of her in one move, curling onto his side and pulling her against him.

  Thorn's arm around her kept her anchored, but she was lost in the pleasant hum of her body and the weightless feeling of having the chains removed.

  Sleepy but sated, she murmured, "Ithena opened the gap. The Fano people are free to come and go as they wish."

  He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. "Then I will let the scouts know to pass your status to your people. Did you know that your eyes turn red when she is within?"

  Nasha chuckled. "Yes. It is why there is no portrait of my face. She enjoys being featured in the paintings, so my normal eye colour isn't visible. Well, that and the painters lost their nerve to paint with her staring at them. The gaze of a star seems to see through to your soul."

  "It does, but Eshkar has looked into your eyes and found a courage that he admired as well as the roots of a passion that I could appreciate."

  She sighed and snuggled back into his embrace. Nasha just wanted to forget how they had come to be here and enjoy the moment, but that wasn't going to happen.

  Chapter Nine

  A quick bath was in order. The musky scent of male was all over her and it was distracting as hell.

  "You have plumbing in your bathroom?" The guestroom only had a drain to dispose of the bathwater.

  "Yes. One of the few perks of position." He set the temperature with a few deft twists and then boosted her under the spray.

  She spluttered until he joined her and began soaping her from neck to ankles with slow strokes of his hands. His body was her keenest point of interest as she watched the play of muscles under his skin. Thorn's avatar mark was over his heart, a blooming star with radiating lines.

  When he stood, she pressed her fingers to it and then followed it up with a short kiss. Her lips tingled from the brief contact with his skin. It was a crackle of energy from Eshkar that went from his skin to her mouth.

  She took the soap from him and returned the favour, running her hands over his skin from the dark blue of his shoulders to the slightly lighter skin of his buttocks and thighs. Each portion of his back had a different texture and all were pleasing to her hands.

  When he turned to face her, again his interest had risen, so it was the last thing she soaped and slicked for rinsing.

  "So, my lord. What were you missing this afternoon when we were together?"

  "Just some reports on harvests and scouting reports from around your keep." He stretched under the spray and she moved aside to let him enjoy the direct cascade of water.

  She reached for and wrapped herself in a towel and took another to dry her hair.

  Thorn finished his shower and wrapped a towel around his hips while he towelled his hair dry.

  Nasha was lost in thought and worked on her hair while Thorn left the room and returned with something gleaming in his hand. Before she could so more than look curiously at it, a bracelet of pale gold was on her left wrist and her right received the same treatment a moment later. "What are you doing?"

  "You are not yet my wife and I do not want you to try to make an escape now that your ladies have re-joined you."

  Part of her was disappointed that he was not trusting her to remain of her own will, but there was no reason to believe it. She looked down at the light golden chain and sighed. "Well, at least I have more field of motion in this."

  The links were patterned and quite attractive.

  "I am sorry, but it is necessary for both our peoples."

  She sighed. "Fine. Where will I sleep tonight?"

  He blinked. "Here, with me."

  She shook her head. "As you have pointed out, I am not your wife. As a lady, it would be inappropriate for me to spend a night with a man I am not wed to."

  A dark look of anger crossed his features. "That is not what I meant."

  "I know what you meant. Now, either help me into my gown or let my ladies in. I have difficulty in doing up my dresses with my hands chained."

  Scowling, he stomped to the outer door and jerked it open. With a sharp motion of his head, her five ladies-in-waiting came through the anteroom and into the bedchamber where she was waiting for them.

  "Another dressing? How many times a day will you do this?" Vavi pulled the dress up and into place, wrapping and tucking it around her.

  "Don't worry. I am not staying here for the night."

  Tish paused with the hairbrush in her hand, "You are not?"

  "No. It isn't appropriate if you think about it." Nasha tried to ignore the view of Thorn getting dressed in the background. Her ladies had no such qualms.

  Casually, during the process of fluffing the straight sleeves or tidying her hem, they turned one by one to watch him dress. She couldn't blame them. He was quite the specimen.

  Lass worked on one of her clasps and winked at her. Nasha stifled a laugh. When they were both dressed and respectable again, Thorn walked over to stand in front of her.

  "My lady. You have full range of the keep and gardens, but I will expect you next to me at dinner. We will discuss your accommodations at that time." His tone was grim, but the hard kiss he pressed to her lips confirmed that his passions were still raging beneath the surface.

  He released her and without a backward glance, he left his chambers.

  The moment he was out of earshot, the ladies burst into giggles.

  "Oh, wow, my lady. He is truly impressive." Lass said it and the rest of them started to howl as the words of truth sank in.

  "Eshkar chose him. The star has very good taste." Nasha tried to be prim and failed miserably.

  Tish tsked over the chains. "Still in chains, lady? At least they are prettier."

  "Yes, and I have more of a range of movement now. Progress is always welcome. So, shall we see our new home? I have only seen the kitchens and dining hall so far." Nasha smirked.

  "I think a tour would be welcome. Where is that charming guard you had this morning?" Mithwai blushed a deep violet when Nasha arched a brow.

/>   "I think we might be able to find Tonio if we tried." She went to the door and opened it. On the other side was the guard in question, his hand raised to knock.

  "Speak of the devil. Hello, Tonio. We are in need of a tour."

  He bowed, "Yes, my lady. Lord Thorn mentioned it. May I have the pleasure of meeting your ladies?"

  She laughed, "Of course. This is Tish, Vavi, Lass, Orial, and the lovely, charming and interested, Mithwai."

  Mithwai's blush went up a notch and she scowled at Nasha with all of the irritation that she expected from her ladies. If she couldn't tease her companions, whom could she tease?

  Tonio looked Mithwai over and bowed low to her while he said, "Pleased to make your acquaintances, ladies."

  Her ladies curtsied and replied in kind. Mithwai was still blushing up a storm.

  Tonio held the door and they filed into the hallway to begin their tour.

  He showed them the publicly accessible library, the dining hall, the indoor gardens and when they got to the kitchens, Nasha took over.

  "This is Dorith. She is the one who organized our charming lunch. Maida is a server par excellence and the others are in the back attending to the dishes from the mid-meal."

  Dorith didn't know what to do with herself. "My lady. Pardon any offence I may have given."

  Nasha smiled. "No offence was given, but I do warn you that I may take to visiting the kitchen in the dark hours. I occasionally need to think and making a batch of bread is very soothing."

  "Of course, my lady. Whatever you wish. Lord Kalowell has ordered you to have full run of the keep and so you shall."

  She curtsied again and Nasha turned to smile at Maida. The poor woman was trembling with fear. "Don't worry, Maida. I will never hold a conversation amongst equals against you. We are all women, are we not?"

  Relief and a peculiar respect filled Maida's eyes. "Indeed, mistress. Thank you."

  Nasha's ladies introduced themselves to Dorith, each taking her hand in turn. The housekeeper looked amazed that the elegant women greeted her as an equal, but it was the Fano way.

  Tonio asked her quietly while Orial was discussing recipes with Dorith, "Why do you treat her as an equal. You are a lady, she is a commoner."


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